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In the Farm Fresh Tuesday Blog Hop, I am featured a post that shares how to cook a winter squash in an instant pot! Perfectly timed before Thanksgiving!
Winter Squash for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is just a little more than a week away, and many people will be cooking winter squash for the holiday. But why take up an extra burner on the stove? Use your instant pot, and get the job done quickly and efficiently! Also a great idea for those busy week day evenings!
7 Reasons Why You Should Grow Blue Jarrahdale Pumpkins
Hearty Pumpkin Spice Steel Cut Oats
Root Veggie Mash with Butternut Squash Recipe
How to Preserve Your Pumpkins and Winter Squash by Roasting and FreezingOur favorite Homesteading and Gardening tools in our Amazon Shop!
Our Garden Harvest Tally Spreadsheet is now available!
Types of Winter Squash to Cook in an Instant Pot
You can cook all types of winter squash in a pressure cooker or instant pot. I think the more common ones are butternut, acorn, spaghetti and delicata, but you can also cook other not so common varieties of winter squash such as blue hubbard squash, sweet meat squash, pink banana squash,
Pressure Cooking Winter Squash
There are several ways to cook winter squash in a pressure cooker or instant pot. You can leave it whole or halve it, which might work well for spaghetti squash, delicata or acorn squash. Or you can cube it, which might work better for butternut, jarrahdale, sweat meat or blue hubbard.
See our featured post down below for more info on how to cook a halved squash. Increase the time to 25 minutes for a whole squash, and let it naturally release for at least 10 minutes.
For cubed squash, peel and seed the squash or pumpkin, cut into 1" cubes, add to pressure cooker with 1 cup of water. Cook on high pressure for 3 minutes if you want them to hold their shape or for 4 minutes if you plan to mash them or want them softer. Than do a quick release.
Also, be sure to check out some other helpful posts I have on winter squash:
- How to Preserve Your Pumpkins & Winter Squash by Roasting and Freezing
- 7 Reasons Why You Should Grow Blue Jarrahdale Squash Pumpkins
- Hearty Pumpkin Spice Steel Cut Oats Recipe
- Root Veggie Mash with Butternut Squash Recipe
- Spaghetti Squash and Cauliflower Alfredo Recipe
Our Featured Post this Week:
How to Cook Acorn Squash in the Instant Pot
How to Cook Acorn Squash in an Instant Pot from Lisa at Lazy Budget Chef
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