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Don't let your berries go to waste! If you can't use them fresh, simply freeze them with this step by step tutorial on how to freeze berries to preserve them!
Berry season is right around the corner, and freezing berries to preserve them is the easiest way to have them at hand all year long!
Freezing berries this way allows you to grab just what you need, when you need them, all year long, and it is super simple to do. Learn how to freeze raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries and more!
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Berry Season Preserving: Strawberries, Raspberries and Blueberries!
Berry season begins here in the PNW in June. Starting with strawberries, than raspberries and blueberries. These are the 3 types of berries we have had for years and always enjoy. But we are trying to broaden the types of fruit we have on the homestead. We have now added currants, elderberries, golden raspberries, honey berries and Josta berries.
Benefits or Freezing Berries
June is when the strawberries start coming on strong!
Having loads of homegrown berries in the freezer is an excellent way to preserve them. They are great for adding to smoothies, cereal or ice cream toppings, pies, crumbles or what have you.
Another benefit is you can pull them out to can jam, jelly or pie fillings, in the dead of winter. There is also a lot of cost savings freezing your own, vs buying fresh or frozen berries throughout the year.
Sometimes I find we are just too busy at harvest time, to get all the canning done, and I have found that freezing the harvest, frees up some time during this busy season.
I enjoy pulling them out in the dead of winter on slower weekends and canning them then. It also warms up the house when it needs it instead of in the heat of summer when the house is already so hot.
How to Freeze Berries to Preserve Them
After I pick the berries, I fill a huge bowl with cold water and a few glugs of white vinegar. I dump the berries in there and swish them around.
Than strain in a colander, and repeat a couple more times with just water. When you are sure they are clean, lay them on a towel in a single layer until they are dry.
Making sure the berries are dry, is an important step. If you put them into the freezer wet, they will stick to each other and become one big frozen berry mess.
This also helps them hold their shape, and not be too mushy when they thaw. To keep them loose in whichever container you choose to freeze them in, make sure they are dry before they go in the freezer.
Once they are dry, move them onto a cookie sheet, or a few cookie sheets, if you have a lot. Make sure they are in a single layer, and not touching.
Place the cookie sheets in the freezer until the berries are frozen. This method works well for many things, such as peas, broccoli, cauliflower, beans and I've also used it for slice peaches! They are my favorite cookie sheets, you can't have too many during preservation season!
You can use this same method of freezing produce for all types of things, from peaches, beans, broccoli & cauliflower and more!
Storing the Berries in the Freezer
When the berries are fully frozen, use a spatula to scoop them up off the cookie sheet. Then you need to place them into containers to store them in the freezer.
When they are frozen individually first, they will not stick together and will remain loose, for easy use to add a few to whatever you like.
I prefer to use my Foodsaver for storing them in the freezer, as it removes the air from the bags which eliminates freezer burn. You can use zip lock bags or plastic or glass containers if you like, but they will not store for as long.
If you do use the Foodsaver option, beware that the vacuuming process can compress the berries into one giant frozen berry hunk. Mine has a gentle setting which I use to help prevent this, but they do still get squeezed into a lump.
Freezing the berries in a container that does not get vacuum sealed, will keep them looser, so you can just grab a few at time. I try to freeze in 4 cup increments, as this is a good measurement for me for making future desserts.
Don't forget to label and date your containers or bags, and be sure to use the oldest ones first.
Enjoy the Frozen Berries All Year Long!
Now that you have learned about freezing berries to preserve them, you get to enjoy them all year long!
Pull out a cup to add to a smoothie, or a handful to add to your cereal or yogurt, add them to a salad, or make a dessert with them! These Valentine's Day Raspberry Cream Cheese Danish Pastries are super easy and yummy too!
Blueberry pie in the middle of winter, YUM! This is one of my favorite ways to enjoy them, Greek yogurt, and handful of berries and some granola sprinkled on top. So good!!!
This article is on the FAMILY HOMESTEADING AND OFF THE GRID BLOG HOP #12! Please check it out for other great homesteading articles!
ARE YOU NEW TO Food Preservation and Need a Guide on Canning?
If you are new to canning, and need a little guidance, consider getting these two handy guides that my friend Victoria has available:
Quick Start Guide to Water Bath Canning
Quick Start Guide to Pressure Canning
Want to Remember This?
I hope this tutorial helped you learn about how to freeze berries to preserve them! I'd appreciate it if you shared this article on social media or with friends & family!
Please pin my article "How to Freeze Berries to Preserve Them!" to your favorite food preservation or homesteading board on Pinterest!
Rosie (@greenrosielife)
I grow LOADS of berries and always freeze them using a tray first so they end up being easy to use as many as I need. I then pour them into bags and make the relatively flat (like bought frozen produce) as that way you can get many more in the freezer by easily stacking them. #FarmFreshBloggers
Hi Rosie! Thanks for stopping in! Flattening the bags is an excellent idea! Hope you have a super productive berry harvest this year!