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Today I am featuring an awesome article on how make your own DIY Low Sugar Elderberry Syrup for Cold and Flu season! Make some to have on hand before the germs hit your household!
Fall is Cold & Flu Season, Are You Prepared?
Everyone knows, that fall is the beginning of the cold and flu season. After spending the summer outdoors in the fresh air, all of a sudden we are cooped up indoors sharing all the germs.
The kids are back at school, catching all the viruses, colds and what have you, only to bring it home and share the love with their families. Who then bring them to work, and on and on it goes. Blech!
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Beating Your Cold or Flu with Homeopathic Remedies
For the last couple of years, I have been giving my family elderberry supplements and using the homeopathic medication Oscillococcinum at the very first sign of a cold or flu. I have found that they really work, and cut down the duration of illness and the severity of the symptoms.
I usually just buy Sambucol Gummies and the Boiron-Oscillococcinum at the grocery store or online, but I have been wanting to learn how to make my own elderberry syrup. We have even planted a couple of elderberry bushes in the last 2 yrs so that hopefully soon I will be able to make this!
This is why I chose to feature this weeks article. I also love the idea of it being low sugar. DIY Low Sugar Elderberry Syrup for Cold and Flu, its what every family needs this time of year, so why not make some?
Our Featured Post this Week:
DIY Low Sugar Elderberry Syrup for Cold and Flu
click the photo below or the link below the photo for full article!
Low Sugar Elderberry Immune Syrup Recipe at Ridge Haven Homestead
click the photo above or the link below the photo for full article!
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Want to Remember This?
You know that DIY Low Sugar Elderberry Syrup for Cold and Flu is just what your family needs!
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