Fall Yard Decoration Ideas

Fall displays don't have to be difficult or complex. Take a few of the fall yard decoration ideas here and incorporate them into your yard or front porch to create the perfect ambiance to bring in the new season!

First, focus on your front door. Consider hanging a welcome sign or a wreath for the front door.

You could include some colorful planters on either side of your door with mums or decorative kale plants.

Wrapping your railings with a maple leaf garland or other fun garland would be a good idea and you could even add in some fairy lights for fun!

If you have seating on your front porch, consider a fall or Halloween throw pillow or two. And pumpkins everywhere!

Gourds come in so many unique shapes or sizes and they are perfect for decorating with! Fill up bushel baskets with them on your porch,.

Another item that may come in handy for decorating with, are straw bales or bales of hay. Straw bale yard decorations are easy to do and useful afterwards as well.

Corn stalks can also be tied together and leaned against those piles of hay bales, or placed on either side of your front door or tied to fencing.

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