Grow More Food with Fall & Winter Crops

Today we are talking about how to grow more food with fall and winter crops. To live a fully self sufficient lifestyle, growing food year round should be your goal!

If you are a homesteader, and you want to live a self sufficient lifestyle, than you must consider how to grow more food with fall and winter crops.

Everyone can grow food in those cooler seasons, some crops prefer to be grown or started in the cooler seasons.

Cold Season Crops: – Onions – Peas – Brassicas ie: broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, brussel sprouts, kohlrabi, etc – Greens ie: lettuces, chard, spinach, collards, arugala, mustard, – Root crops: carrots, beets, parsnips, potatoes, radish

Things like cold frames and greenhouses can help, but are not always necessary.

Some crops grow very quickly, like radishes. So plan to sow a couple of batches of radishes in succession, to harvest the maximum amount.

Or as one crop gets harvested, immediately plant something in it's place after you have harvested and cleaned up the garden bed.

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