When  Should You  Harvest Garlic?

When is it time to harvest your garlic? Today I will share two visual clues you need to know, to watch for so you will know when the time is right!

Tips for Growing Garlic

For the largest garlic cloves, garlic should be planted in the fall.

You can plant garlic in early spring if you like. However, you will get much smaller garlic cloves as a result.

Harvest time is usually late June to early July. So that makes it around 8-9 months for it to grow and be ready for harvest.

Hardneck Garlic

If you are growing a hardneck variety, the plant flowers as it develops. This gives you garlic scapes. Hardneck garlic has larger garlic cloves.

First Visual Clue:

The garlic scapes can be harvested a few weeks up to a month before the garlic is ready for harvest.

Harvesting the scapes also helps the plant put more focus into growing larger heads of garlic, so do harvest them!

Softneck Garlic

They keep longer in storage than hardneck varieties. You can braid them, so that can look pretty cool in your kitchen! They also have more but smaller garlic cloves in each head.

When 3 or 4 of the lower most leaves on the plant, have begun to die off and go brown, that is your clue that it is time to harvest.

Second Visual Clue!

My absolute favorite variety isa hardneck called Music. Great flavor and huge cloves!

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