Painted Pumpkin Mason Jar Craft

Fall season is here and Halloween will be here before we know it! This easy painted pumpkin mason jar craft project is perfect to do with kids!

First you will need to collect your materials and clear a space where you can work on this project and get a little bit messy.

– 3 Mason Jars or glass jars – Craft paint or acrylic paint: Orange, Green and Black – Green sparkly glitter – 2 Paint brushes: one larger, one smaller – Permanent marker – Hot Glue gun and glue sticks – Scissors – Green felt (2 shades) – Green Pipe Cleaners (2 shades)

Supplies needed:

First thing to do is paint the outside of the jar with the orange paint and the lids with green paint using the larger paint brush.

With the second layer of green craft paint, cover the mason jar lids with the green sparkly glitter and let dry and set aside.

Once the jars are dry, use the permanent marker to draw jack o lantern faces and then fill in with the black paint with the smaller paint brush.

Using the permanent marker, draw leaf shapes on the felt and using the scissors cut the leaf shapes out.

Using the hot glue gun and a good amount of glue, glue the felt and curly cues onto the top of the center of the lid.

For extra decoration fill the jars with a tealight or fairy lights, or fill with candy and give as a hostess gift!

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