Do Zucchini Need A Trellis?

Zucchini do take up a lot of space, and are prone to fungal diseases and powdery mildew. Is growing them vertically a way to help prevent this?

Most common zucchini and summer squash varieties are bush varieties, which mean they are not a vining plant. But there are climbing varieties available, although more rare.

Bush zucchini and summer squash varieties, do not need a trellis of any type to grow. Pruning some of the excess leaves off of the plant, can be advantageous.

So yes, you can use a smaller trellis to help provide better air flow to zucchini plants. Pruning the lower leaves off helps too.

Climbing zucchini and summer squash varieties include: Thunderbird, Graybeard, Black Forest, Zucchino Rampicante, Zucchetta Rampicante, Trombocino, Italian Trombone Squash 'Tromba d'Albenga'.

A vining variety can definitely be grown on a trellis or vertical support system, and are ideal for growing in a small space.

You will want to plant your zucchini on the south side of a trellis support so that it gets the most sun.

You may still want to trim some of the lower leaves off of a bush variety plant to help with the airflow which helps prevent fungal issues.

You basically want to remove any leaves that are laying on the ground, or laying on each other near the bottom of the plant.

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