How to Grow Large Potatoes in Pots

Lined Circle

Here are some tips and tricks to grow those large potatoes in pots and increase your potato yields!

To get the most out of your pots that the potatoes are grown in, bury the bottom few inches of the pot into the ground so the roots can grow out into the ground.

Dig a large hole for each potato pot that allows the bottom few inches of each pot to get buried into the earth.

As you harvest  your potatoes, you  then immediately plant  the BIGGEST potato  from the harvest, back  into the same hole.

This large potato is the food for your new potato plant, so why plant tiny potatoes?

I added more fresh home made compost mixed together with a little bit of store bought organic compost.

Than I covered the whole area of pots with a thick layer of straw to help insulate them a bit for the winter.

When the new growth is more consistent across all of the pots, I will remove the straw, add some more fresh compost to the top of each pot.  I will than cover the pots with another layer of straw.

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